Salvo Chemical Industries Ltd.

Board of Director
Sl. No. Name of Director Status
­­­01. Khondoker Afia Sultana Chairman
02. Md. Salam Obaidul Karim Managing Director
03. A. S. M. Shariar Ansari Director (Non-Eecutive)
04. Md. Zaidul Hoque Independent Director
05. Md. Mujibur Rahman (FCMA, FCS) Independent Director
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Mrs. Khondoker Afia Sultana

Mrs. Khondoker Afia Sultana is a Director of the company since 2002 and has been appointed as Chairman of the company from 2021 till the present. She obtained Master’s Degree from the University of Dhaka. After completion of her education she has established this industry together with Mr. Salam Obaidul Karim. By dint of her performance and experience she is now the key personnel of the Company. She has visited many countrys to establish this chemical plant and obtained training on chemical engineering. A well experienced and vigorous lady of amicable behavior, besides being a generous contributor, she is engaged in various social activities of the country.

Mr. Salam Obaidul Karim
Managing Director

Mr. Salam Obaidul Karim is a Director of the company since 2002 and has been appointed as Managing Director in the year 2022. The Managing Director of the Company, directly oversees operation of the Company. He completed his Masters Degree in Business Administration from the University of Dhaka. He started his Business as importer of various essential Chemicals from different countries. He obtains diploma in Chemical Engineering from India and incorporated the Company in 2002. Mr. Karim is a Pioneer businessman and industrialist in chemical sector in Bangladesh. He visited many countries of the world in connection with chemical business and gained wide experience and knowledge in modern technology, production and marketing & management techniques of chemical industries.

Mr. A. S. M. Shariar Ansari

Mr. A. S. M. Shariar Ansari joined in Salvo Chemical Industry Limited (SCIL) as Director on March 31, 2022. Prior to his joining in SCIL, Mr. Ansari worked in NCC Bank Limited (NCCBL) and Jamuna Bank Limited (JBL) in different segments of Banking for almost 12 (Twelve) years. During his tenure in banks, he served in various departments in various positions with high level integrity & professionalism and accordingly achieved professional knowledge in managing critical situation in any organization. He is also serving as Chairman of Vinci Construction Private Limited, Managing Director of Reddeer PLC and Proprietor of Vinci Corporation. A seasonal Banker, Mr. Ansari did his MBA (Major in Finance) from American International University Bangladesh. Besides this, he has sound academic credential in previous academic position. He is a worthy individual and leader of team having sound knowledge in Banking, Financial & Construction Business.

Md. Zaidul Hoque
Independent Director

Md. Zaidul Hoque, is a retired Government Official and is an independent Director of the company. He was Senior Assistant Secretary of the Govt. of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. He completed his graduation from University of Dhaka in Commerce. He started his career in 1979 with Planning Commission (Ministry of Planning). He has successfully completed his govt. service life with various Ministries i.e. Ministry of Planning (Planning Commission), Ministry of Establishment (now Janaprosashan Montronaloy), Ministry of Industries, Ministry of Social Welfare, Ministry of Textile & Jute etc. Mr. Hoque participate Govt. Training Programmes on different fields like IT, Financial Management, Budget Preparing ADP & Five years Plan etc. & participate conferences, seminars and tours at home and abroad. He is engaged in various social activities of the country. He has been appointed by the Board as an Independent Director of the Company.

Mr. Md. Mujibur Rahman
Independent Director

Mr. Md. Mujibur Rahman, joined the Board as an independent Director of Salvo Chemical Industry Limited. He is a FCMA (Fellow Member of the Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of Bangladesh) since 1985 & FCS (Fellow Member of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries & Managers of Bangladesh) since 1997. Mr. Mujibur has an illustrious 36 year’ professional career in top management & director of many renewed national & multinational company like Intercontinental Hotel Dhaka, Dhaka Sheraton Hotel, Sheraton Sima Thani, Thailand, Techno- Fochi (BD) Ltd., Grameen Cybernet, Dekko Group, Opex Sinha Group, United Hospital etc. He was elected Council Member, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Chairman Education Committee and many post of Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of Bangladesh (ICMA). He was also elected Executive Secretary of South Asia Federation of Accountants (SAFA) in 1998. He has been appointed by the Board as an Independent Director of the Company.

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